Aleeza Schoenberg '22

Aleeza Schoenberg '22

Actor, Director, Enthusiast, Playwright, Producer, Writer


Undergraduate Affiliations

Department: Psychology
Certificates: Applications of Computing, Cognitive Science, Creative Writing, Theater
Arts-related Groups: CJL Play, Playwright's Guild, Various writing commitments for the CJL, Various internship responsibilities


Aleeza is a writer and theater maker. At a young age, she fell in love with acting and writing, and in college she has pursued playwriting and novel writing. A student in the Creative Writing Thesis Program, Aleeza is writing a novel based on her life and observations as a Modern Orthodox Jew, drawing on her experiences with mental health and her studies as a psychology major. For her theater certificate thesis, she is revising one of her full-length plays, which will go up in Princeton's 2022 New Works Festival.

Contact Aleeza Schoenberg