Guidelines for Submissions: On Craft & Process



Whereas the monthly news is designed to promote and share info about upcoming events and announcements from our community, this new online space is meant to provide insights into the process, the craft, and the imperfections of including the arts in our lives in all its forms and stages.

Through curated reflections and conversations about the daily realities of pursuing creative work, we hope to build a strong community of Princeton-affiliated artmakers, including students, alumni, faculty, staff, and collaborators.

The PA2 team looks forward to working with you and your story.

Each submission should include a:

  • Title

  • Picture (can be your art, headshot, etc.)

  • If possible, a submission to our database of community members

Whether you have an idea or a fully formed piece, contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Submission News: July 2022

Our next issues will release on a quarterly schedule: October 2021, January 2022, April 2022, and July 2022. We're excited to announce that our next four issues of OCAP will be dedicated to four important steps in the artistic process.

The July issue will be dedicated to the publishing/production and marketing stage of the artistic process. We'd love to hear about your struggles, successes, questions, and strategies when it comes to finishing creative projects, bringing them into the world, and getting the word out about them.

Don't worry if you wanted to propose a submission about a different topic. We will also accept non-themed submissions.

We will accept submissions on a rolling basis until July 15, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Our submission guidelines below can help you start planning your idea. Send us a message using the form at the bottom of the page if you think you might like to participate.


While submissions are not limited to the following categories, these may help to inspire the form of your submission:


The Making

This is a space for longer, essay-style reflections on artmaking. Whether you’ve completed a piece or have something in the works, we want to hear about the experience of making it. How did you go about developing your piece? What challenges or roadblocks did you face? What questions did it answer for you, or what questions did it create? What discoveries did you have? Did the piece create or strengthen connections with someone else?

Audio/video accompaniment is also welcomed. We appreciate photos of the work in progress or finished project in question, too.

Moved Me

Works created by others often illuminate our own artmaking and influence our daily lives. We’re eager to hear about a work or works that especially moved you as a viewer / audience / consumer of art.

Questions you might explore include: When and how did you encounter this work? How did it impact your life? your perspective? If you have one, did it inform your creative practice?

Please link us to the work in question and/or provide photos, if at all possible.

Sketch/Note Book

Planning. Ephemera. Scribbles. These short-form reflections are concerned with the subsidiary aspects of artmaking: the hastily-written ideas, the extra material, the outlines, and more.

Along with pictures from your sketchbook or notebook, we’re looking for up to 400 words about your generative process: What memories are conjured by this entry? What piece were you working on at the time, and what part did this entry play in its creation? What are your methods of sketching or jotting? What is your process from inspiration to creation? (could be as short as a “long caption”)

Conversing with the Arts

A series of questions. A conversation. An interview. Let’s learn through conversation with creators, administrators, patrons and scholars.

Perhaps you’d like to conduct an interview / host a discussion with someone in the arts, or the PA2 team can engage you in a video and written interview to hear about your work and process. Let us know!

We welcome written, audio and video reflections between two or more people. In the spirit of expanding our shared perspective and understanding, please consider including artmakers outside the Princeton Arts Community in your piece.

Research & Inquiry

We love hearing about artmaking, but we also know how much we can learn about the arts from those interested in thinking about it. If you’ve done academic research or journalistic inquiries into art-related topics, we’d love to present your work here, whether that work is in written, visual, audio, or video format.


Submission Form

Submit your idea or completed piece or start a conversation about contributing using the form below. If you have trouble with the form, you can email instead.

The editorial team will review, edit, and select pieces for appropriateness. Any changes we suggest will only be finalized with the author’s approval.